Get Found. Get Results!  

We’ll help you navigate through the Internet Jungle on a proven course that avoids lurking danger.

What Can We Do Together?
working together marketing online

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” ~James Cash Penney

  Grow Your Bottom Line  

Turn your marketing online into a smart investment that grows your bottom line.

The Advantage With dsp h1 is 3-Fold

Who Are We?
internet jungle lost

You don’t want to get lost in the Internet Jungle…

  Meet Your Internet Guides 

We strategically guide you through the Internet Jungle to find Online Marketing Success.


Project Manager


Brand Identity





Client Success Stories
client success marketing online

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” ~Henry Ford

  What Others Are Saying 

Ready To Charge Ahead?

Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go! ~Bilbo Baggins

  Who’s Banked On Us?  

Online marketing is working for them 24/7!

Check Out Our Portfolio
dsp online marketing portfolio

“If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.” ~Michelangelo

  How It Works  

Let’s say you’re a dentist. Sally is chewing her gum and suddenly feels a big chunk of filling come out of her tooth. Not having been to a dentist in a while, she decides to search online for a local dentist. Sally searches ‘my city dentist’ and you are one of the first dental practices to be listed in the search engine results.

“Well he must be a good dentist, I’ll check him out”, she thinks to herself. Sally trusts Google, which in her thinking means you must be a reputable dentist, so she clicks on the link to your website. Liking what she finds on your site, she calls and makes an appointment to get her tooth fixed.

3 Simple (Not easy) Steps

marketing online sheep

Ideas are easy. It’s the execution of ideas that really separates the sheep from the goats. ~Sue Grafton

  Will You Be Found?  


Who are you? Understand your values and what’s important. Then begin to develop your customer persona. Knowing who your customer is will determine what online platforms they are using. Take a look at your competition. You might find this is a weak area for them that you can take advantage of. Or you may find they have a thriving social community and develop an understanding of how they created it through their online presence.


Where are you going? How will you get there? You start with your website designed and optimized for your customer or client. It can be a simple online brochure or a living online marketing tool. Your ability to create fresh, original content determines which course to take. Your site may be a simple landing page designed to capture leads for an email marketing campaign. Pay-Per-Click advertising on Google or Facebook may be the right tool for this purpose.


What value are you offering? Your customer is searching for something. They have an itch you need to scratch or a point of pain you need to sooth. Your online marketing content should position you as the leader in what it is your customers are looking for. Content determines your ability to emotionally connect online and build a community of loyal followers. Then it becomes a valuable asset to your business and customers, increasing your net worth.

Get Started. Get Found. Get Results!
exploring online marketing

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~Albert Einstein

  Explore Some More  

There’s a right way and a wrong way to approach marketing online with the Internet.

Local Business Website Design

A local website business design should have the goal to connect with local customers, but can also provide additional revenue streams for your business. Learn how  to monetize. Learn more >>>

Top search engines ranking is important to drive traffic to your website and build credibility with visitors. Are they finding you when they search online? Learn more >>>

Our internet web site marketing strategy will build trust with your web site visitors who will convince themselves to do business with you. Do they look for you instead of you looking for them? Learn more >>>

Simple Website Design

A simple website design should be user friendly to both your visitors and the search engines. This means visually pleasing and easily navigated by humans, but is it optimized for engine bots? Learn more >>>

The Google engine still provides over 70% of online search results and protects their customers with Panda and Penguin. What do these two birds mean to your website? Learn more >>>

Good Internet marketing campaigns include a way to emotionally engage your visitors and build relationships through constant contact. How are you building your email list? Learn more >>>

Read Our Internet Jungle Guidebook
get started marketing online

Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder. ~Mason Cooley

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